Saturday, November 9, 2013

Dinosaurs, chick fil a, and rest

Today we ventured to the statehouse convention center downtown to see a dinosaur exhibit. As we were loading up to go, Noah walks out in his rubber boots. I tried to get him to put on his tennis, but he insisted on the boots so "if the dinosaurs try to bite my feet, it won't hurt." Thomas and Esther were not too excited about the dinosaurs. Fear may be a better word to describe their emotions. Noah loved it though.
After dinosaurs, we went to chick fil a for lunch and then home for a much needed rest. When I put Esther on the couch she was fully clothed snuggled up under a blanket. When I walked back into the living room, she was sporting her usual attire of panties only. She said she was cold lying clothed under the blanket so naturally she should lose the blanket and shed all clothing. What a mess. What a day.

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