Thursday, November 29, 2012

Six Months!

I feel a little bad because this is the first post dedicated to Thomas, but we've been a little busy. :) It is so crazy to me that it has already been six months. I remember my sister-in-law (whose first two kids are 19 months apart) telling me about how she would look back at pictures of when Elyn (their second) was a baby and not even remember it. At the time I thought it was crazy that she could not remember 6 months to a year of her life, especially given that she had a child in that time. I'm pretty sure I only had one kid at the time. :) Fast forward a couple years and a couple kids later, I TOTALLY understand. You are so tired. You have so many things and people vying for your time and attention. You are constantly going and you don't really have any time to sit or think or do anything. And somewhere in all of that, it all just becomes a blur. Which is exactly why I really need to write about Thomas (and everything else going on). I fear that if I don't write it down, I will have very little memory of this crazy time in our life. So here's what Thomas is up to...
-He is the sweetest baby ever... At least the sweetest one I've had. :) He is always so happy and wants nothing more than for you to just sit and talk to him. Unfortunately for him, he is the third kid and oftentimes that doesn't happen. He is a pure joy.
- He LOVES the exersaucer, which is a really good thing. He spends quite a bit of time there. His other favorite things are Sophie the giraffe and this little crinkly book that occupies him for hours in the car.
- He sleeps all night and takes two naps a day. Goes to bed between seven and eight and wakes up around 6:30-7:00. He was our first kid that cut out all his nighttime feeds on his own without a little 'help' from us. He does however, STILL sleep in our room. Everyone has started referring to it as Thomas's room. Hopefully that will be remedied soon.
- He eats four bottles a day. As of right now, he eats solids once a day, at dinner time, but we'll probably increase that soon.
- He loves his brother and sister, especially Noah. They sit next to each other in the car and Thomas just stares at Noah the whole time.
- He rolls everywhere. I'll lay him down on the floor, look back and he is not there anymore. He always rolls himself into a corner and gets stuck.
- He's working on sitting. He likes the Bumbo and he can sit with support fairly well.

I'm sure that maybe our lives would have been a little less crazy had we spaced our kids out a little more. And maybe I would be able to remember the last six months, but if given the choice to do it all over again, we would. Thomas you are such a joy to have. You bring a little sanity into our lives (at least for the time being). When everyone is screaming and crying, we can always count on you for a big smile. You are such a wonderful blessing from God and we thank Him for the joy of being your parents. We love you!

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