Saturday, June 15, 2013


I did actually start this on his birthday despite the publish date of June 15.
That's how old Noah turned today. I can't believe it's been four years. Time is flying by so fast. My mom would always tell me, "When you were four, I told you to stop growing, but you didn't listen to me." I used to think she was being so corny and would probably roll my eyes at her, but not anymore. I know exactly what she means. I find myself saying the same thing to Noah. I look at him and think, "when did he get so big?" Here's what he is up to:
- He is becoming so much easier to reason with and the fits are becoming less. He still has them every so often, but they have definitely dwindled (which is a huge blessing since his sister is gearing up). :)
- He is still a good sleeper. He doesn't nap every day, and when he does he is ususally up until 10 or 11 at night, but he is good about resting, looking at books, doing puzzles, or playing something quietly.
- He is still a picky eater, but has become much more open to trying new things.  I'm thinking that mac and cheese and spaghetti will forever be his favorite though.
- He loves to ride his bike.  He got one for Christmas and refused to ride it for a while.  It was cold and it was something new.  He migrated more toward the familiat tricycle.  Since it has warmed up a bit (Yes I am actually wrtiting this a littel late. Surprise, surprise), he is all bike now.  Not too long ago, he was riding and Brian was chasing him.  Brian barely grabbed the end of his shirt.  Noah trying to get away, jerked his handle bars hard the other way and fell.  It was a pretty nasty fall.  Both legs were skinned up and bleeding.  We were so proud of him because after all the bandaging, he got right back on and rode some more.  Shortly after all this happened, another family pulled into the parking lot where we were riding to ride their bikes.  Noah rode over to them and promptly told them about how his Daddy had pushed him off his bike and made him have a bad wreck.  Thankfully Brian knew them and we were not reported. :) Other toys that he likes include cars, trucks, and dinosaurs.  He still loves animals of all kinds and reading/learning about them.  He also loves to play soccer and baseball.
-  He remembers EVERYTHING.  No saying you are going to do something and then not do it around here.  Noah ensures that whatever fun thing was promised is done.
-  He knows all his letters and numbers.  He can count to 100 (minus the number fifteen which always gets left out for some reason).  He is pretty good at letter sounds and is working on putting letters together and is starting to read a little.
-  He and Esther are the best of friends.  They play together so well and it makes us so happy.  They do fight, a lot, but overall I would say they like each other more than not.  He tries to boss her around, which if you know Esther, you know that doesn't really fly, and they usually end up doing what she wants to do.
- He still loves Baby Doggy more than anything.  Last night, we were going to play a game of Candyland before bed.  There are four gingerbread pieces in the game, red, yellow, green and blue.  Noah was assigning all the colors, "Daddy is going to be green, I'll be yellow, and Esther can be blue." Brian responded with, "And Mommy is red?"  Noah looked at him like he was crazy and said no.  Brian, confused, said "Noah, there are four pieces.  For you, me, Esther, and Mommy." Noah again looking at Brian as if he were crazy and getting a little exasperated said, "No Daddy! You are green, I am yellow, Esther is blue and Baby Dog is red!" And that's how it went down. Brian, Noah, Esther, and Baby Dog played Candyland while I watched/wrangled Thomas.  I like to think that if there had been five pieces that surely I would have made the cut. :)
- He is so impressionable right now.  We will see him do things or hear him say things that clearly he learned somewhere else. My knee jerk reaction is to pull him in and shelter him, but I know that's not what he needs and that's not going to help him in the long run.  He needs to be able to explore and experience life (within the constraints of what a four year old should be experiencing) and to be taught to discern what is okay and what is not okay, what is right and what is wrong.  This whole parenting thing is not easy and we have only just begun. I pray that God will give us the ability to teach and guide him and the wisdom to know when to hold on and when to let go.

We love you so much Noah and are so blessed to be on the journey of life with you!!!  You definitely make it more entertaining!

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